Nicolas Cage Mother Womb
Nicolas Cage Mother Womb

Nicolas Cage Claims He Can Recall Being Inside His Mother’s Womb

In the womb is where Nicolas Cage first experienced life. According to the 59-year-old actor, he had “faces in the dark” experiences while still in the womb.

The Hollywood icon said, “Let me think,” when asked on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” what he remembered from his childhood. Although I have no way of knowing for sure, I sometimes get the uncanny sensation of remembering being in the womb and having the ability to see faces in the dark.

“I know that sounds powerfully abstract, but that somehow seems like maybe it happened.”

But Nicolas conceded that “vocal vibrations” alone may have triggered his supposed recollections. To which the actor responded:

“Now that I am no longer in utero, I would have to imagine it was perhaps vocal vibrations resonating through to me at that stage. That’s going way back. I don’t know. That comes to mind … I don’t even know if I remember being in utero, but that thought has crossed my mind.”

Read the tweet I have linked to below:

He said:

“Oh, wow. Nobody really knows, I don’t know.

Nicolas Cage Mother Womb

Nicolas was questioned about his views on death and the afterlife as well. The actor said his “spark” would continue motivating others long after he died. It’s been suggested that electrical appliances will always be in vogue.

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For the duration of the fire. I’d rather have our bodies’ contents survive our deaths. Whether or if this energy is intelligent, however, is not known. Check out the promo trailer for the program below:

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