SEERS Illness
SEERS Illness

SEERS Illness: Virus Made Up For A Training Exercise

As word spreads, a new pandemic caused by the SEERS virus, or severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome, will occur in 2025.

But the rumor is untrue. A fake illness called SEERS was invented for a pandemic-simulation training exercise in public health. A video created for the training features a made-up news story that continuously states: “This is a fictional scenario.”

After some users misconstrued the fictional scenario as an indication of what was to come, worries about the potential for a new pandemic started to emerge on social media in recent days.

A man was recently heard predicting the arrival of an entirely novel disease in 2025. That was answered positively by another individual. They noted that a new virus known as SEERS would appear in two years. It will get bigger, worse, and deadlier. The man then says that the virus will start in Brazil and that it will affect children more than COVID-19 has.

SEERS Illness
SEERS Illness

Others made more overt claims that SEERS will be the focal point of a staged public health catastrophe.

These worries are unjustified, though. In order to prepare government and public health experts for a hypothetical pandemic, a fictional virus called SEERS was devised. It took place in Brussels in October 2022.

Click on the following links to learn more about the ailments that some well-known persons are experiencing:

The Catastrophic Contagion exercise simulated a series of World Health Organization meetings where participants discussed how to respond to an imagined illness that had a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affected children and young people.

Check out the tweet below which confirms that SEERS is a is the fictitious illness named “Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome” 2025.

A fictitious television news report on SEERS is featured in the above mentioned video. The video’s numerous disclaimers make it abundantly clear that the situation it portrays is fictional.

The exercise is hypothetical and in no way represents what might occur in the future, the Center for Health Security emphasized in great detail.

The purpose of the hypothetical exercise was to highlight gaps in pandemic preparedness and to create suggestions for activities that governments could implement right now to enhance the global community’s capacity to save lives and livelihoods during upcoming pandemics.

The scenario’s fictitious pandemic was not predictive in any manner; rather, the virus was created solely as a teaching tool to help the participants deal with the kinds of political conundrums that might arise during widespread public health catastrophes.

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