Michael Jace Wife
Michael Jace Wife

Michael Jace Wife: What Possessed Him To Shoot His Spouse?

Michael Andrew Jace is a former character actor who was convicted of m*rder in the United States. He is most known for his part as Los Angeles Police Officer Julien Lowe in the drama series The Shield, which aired on the FX network. The character that Jace played in the FX police drama “The Shield” was the most significant and lasted the longest in his 22-year acting career.

He made an appearance in 89 episodes as the character Julien Lowe, who began his career on the show in 2002 as a rookie officer in an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct and ascended up the ranks to become a detective before the series was canceled in 2008.

Between the years 2009 and 2012, he appeared in a few episodes of the television show “Southland,” which is also set in the Los Angeles police department. Even though he was well-known for his profession, the fact that he murd*red his wife is what has brought him into public eye. The reason why Michael Jace sh0t and ki!!ed his wife will be discussed in this piece.


Why Did Michael Jace Sh00t His Wife?

On Friday, the actor Michael Andrew Jace, who portrayed a law enforcement officer on the gritty FX series “The Shield,” was given a sentence of forty years in jail for the m*rder of his wife.

Jace, 53, was found guilty of sh00ting his wife to de@th at their house in Los Angeles in front of the couple’s two young sons last month.

Why Did Michael Jace Sh00t His Wife
Why Did Michael Jace Sh00t His Wife

The actor was in a bad mood. During the opening statement of the trial, the Deputy District Attorney Tannaz Mokayef informed the jurors that April Jace was preoccupied with the idea that she was seeing someone else and wanted a divorce.

Have a look at the tweet below which states that Michael Jace has been sentenced for ki!!ing his wife April Jace.

Jace fired a single sh0t into the back of his wife as soon as she entered the house on May 19, 2014. He then sh0t her two more times in her legs in front of their two sons, who were 8 and 5 years old at the time of the incident.

Thereafter, Jace dialed 911 and informed the authorities about the gunshot that had just occurred. After getting a message from Jace informing him about the gunshot, his future father-in-law dialed 911 on the way to his daughter’s house and reported the incident.

Does He Have A History Of Domestic Abuse?

According to many who knew him, this wasn’t the actor’s first time dealing with issues related to domestic abuse. In 1997, a lady who has been described as a close friend of Jace’s first wife claimed in a sworn declaration that she saw Jace physically abuse his then-wife.

In 2005, Jace was involved in a custody battle with Jennifer Bitterman over their son, and this declaration was included in the court documents. While (their young son) cried in his cot next to her, Jace physically abused his wife by choking her, hitting her, and slamming her against the wall.

Following the conclusion of the divorce proceedings, Jace wed April Jace in June of 2003. In later years, he struggled with his finances and ultimately filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 13 in March 2011.

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He indicated that he owed $500,000 and that he made approximately $80,000 per year in residuals from his work in television and films. He had also failed to pay the 411 thousand dollar mortgage on the home where he had murd*red his wife.

Based on the information provided by the private institution Biola University, which is located in La Mirada, California, April Jace had previously worked there as a financial aid consultant.

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